Distance New York Washington DC

From Current location



New York Washington DC

The distance from New York to Washington DC is 205.6 miles (330.9 km). There are about 28 daily trains from New York to Washington DC, and traveling by train from New York to Washington DC usually takes around 3 hours and 22 minutes, It can go faster if you take the Amtrak Acela train, the trip can be done in 2 hours and 51 minutes.

Train from DC to NYC

We all know Amtrak, they deliver 22 daily departures and the Amtrak Northeast Regional train runs hourly from NYC to DC (and vice versa). This will save you up to 90 minutes of travel time each way compared to buses from NYC to DC. To good to be true? It gets even better, consider to book 14 days in advance and earn a 25% off in advance. Please review their website Amtrak.com DC NYC

The distance between two places

In the following table, you can find a lot of looked-up distances. Please click on the appropriate link below and you will immediately see a map of the measured length.

Place Distance
New York - Washington 3695,1 km | 2296 mi
New York - Washington DC 330.9 km | 205.6 mi
Amsterdam - Groningen 146,6 km | 91.1 mi
Amsterdam - Paris 509,1 km | 268.1. mi
Amsterdam - New York 5.857,1 km | 3639.5 mi